

The Parasitic Mind

By: Gad Saad - Read: July 2, 2024 - Rating: 6/10

Elon recommendation that's clearly an inspiration behind how he's running X. About the idea pathogen's in Western society which have slowly encroached on the pursuit of truth.

Gad Saad is a Lebanese Jew who escaped the civil war in Lebanon. This book is his reflection on the corruption of freedom and truth in the West. This trend poses an existential threat to the ethos that made the United States what it is today.

I wish there was more focus on the emergence and spread of idea pathogens and why they're dangerous. Instead, there's an excessive focus on Gad's personal political beliefs. Though his beliefs may be right or wrong, I expect that his selection of unnecessarily pollarizing topics allienates a large section of the total mature audience which he could speak to.

Many of the later sections felt somewhat insufficient, like Gad's discussion of nomological networks and call to action, but the broader topic is important for everyone to be aware of, especially in the United States.